That's right everyone, there is now a physical manifestation of the works of the Cheepo Arts Corps (name in progress)!
This little black and white bundle of papyrus is a whomping 20 pages (if you include the covers, intro and table of contents...) of comics, stories, and more! And the thing isn't just an ego trip for this particular wizard; we've got plenty of works by others in here. This includes appearances from the Neo-Pennsylvanian office officer The Official Sneldon, a kind contribution from the localization board of the World of Nocturne, and some untwisted antics from fellow magic-workers Jib 'n Funk. It's a veritable cacophony of crazy cool characters! Alright, I'm overselling a little, but look: there are even restaurant reviews if you're a soulless husk who don't care about art, comedy, or storytelling.
You're probably wondering "where can I click to view the contents of this tantalizing publication?" Sorry, bud. It won't be uploaded here. Part of the charm of this work is that it's a physical experience. There's a quality to picking up a printed, folded, trimmed thing out in the world and flipping through it that would just be lost if I were to open you a portal to a PDF. I understand you may just want to read it, but please understand it's our intent to have the zine presented in a particular way. The medium very much is the message here.
So, where can you get it then? Well, I can't give you my exact location for wizardly reasons, but know that the zine will be actively distributed through the Pennsylvania, Maryland, and West Virginia tristate area of the United States. How can you find it if you're in the region? Dumb luck, you see. These things will pretty much just be sitting in random locations. Maybe malls, maybe grocery stores, maybe community centers, maybe comic shops, maybe bus stops, maybe sidewalks, maybe little lending libraries, and maybe much more. But nothing for certain. This isn't a joke, we're putting these things out and about randomly. It's totally free, and there's no way to buy it.
If you're nowhere near that area and you're especially keen to get a copy, send an email to I may just be able to mail you a copy if we have extras on hand, but there's no guarantee!
I believe that's all for now. Keep an eye out for more Cheepo works! Oh, and the worm insisted that I mention he has some more "writing" coming out soon. Sorry, it's the only way to make sure he stops bothering me.
-Tungsten Wizard